- AFGC Headquarters
- Alex Cotton
- Alfredo
- André
- Anthony Elder
- Anya
- Armstrong Fancy Gifts Corporation
- Army Pete
- BZRK (book)
- BZRK (organization)
- BZRK Wiki
- Biots
- Caligula
- Charles and Benjamin Armstrong
- Creche
- Dietrich
- Dr Pound
- East London Hospital for the Treatment of Serious Mental Illness
- Grey Mclure
- Immune responses
- Karl Burnofsky
- Kim
- Lear
- Macro Intervention
- Mclure Industries
- Michael Ford
- Michael Grant
- Nanobots
- Nijinsky
- Noah Cotton
- One-Up
- Ophelia
- Page layout
- Renfield
- Sadie McLure
- Stone Mclure
- Sugar
- Twitcher
- Twitcher Chair
- Wiki Rules
- Wilkes